Toshio Suzuki

World Government Institute

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(C) Copy Right Toshio Suzuki 1999

All rights are reserved.

First published 1999

Toshio Suzuki
World Government Institute
c/o Japanese Branch of World Government Institute
1-158 Nakakanasugi Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Zip Code 270-0007, Japan
E-mail: toshio-suzuki!ma3.justnet.ne.jp
Homepage: http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/






1 Basic Benefits of World Government
2 The Best Economic Policy Is to Establish the World Government


1 World Government Institute
2 World Party
3 World Citizen Party Network
4 World Federalist Movement (WFM)
5 World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)
6 Millennium People's Assembly Network (MPAN)



1 World Government Institute
2 World Party
3 World Citizen Party Network
4 World Federalist Movement
5 World Constitution and Parliament Association
6 Millennium People's Assembly Network
7 World Government Related Web Sites




This journal was written to promote the movement to establish the World Government and contains various thoughts on the World Government, various activities, answers to questionnaire, directory of world government related organizations, URL's of web site of world government related organizations, etc. The first edition was written for the publication at the "Hague Appeal for Peace 1999" which is going to be held in Hague, Netherlands in May 1999. This journal will be revised periodically and distributed to the world government related organizations in the world.

Author founded the World Government Institute and the World Party. World Government Institute is an institute to establish the World Government. World Party is an international party to establish the World Government. So to speak, World Government Institute is a discussion and theory section and World Party is an action section of the world government movement. World Citizen Party Network is a network of individuals and groups which aim to establish the World Government by the help of political party. This network was proposed by Mr. Hans Starlife. Further information on these organizations is written in the following chapters. Main purpose of this journal is to diffuse the activity of these organizations. But at the same time, this journal introduces other organizations and their activity. Author does not stick to one idea.

Author sent a questionnaire to world government related organizations in the world. Answers are published in this journal. Author is very much thankful for answerers.


As written in the Preface, this is a journal to promote the world government movement. There are many related organizations in the world. Each organization has its own policy for the establishment of World Government. As for the author, author is mainly working on the Internet. Author founded the World Government Institute and the World Party. World Government Institute is an institute to establish the World Government and World Party is an international party to establish the World Government. Their activity are published on two homepages, "World Government Institute" and "World Party."*1 The World Government Institute is a discussion and theory section of world government movement and the World Party is an action section. World Party aims to establish the World Government following the policy of the World Government Institute. Basic policy is to establish the World Parliament which has no legislative power like European Parliament.*2 They are explained later. Many pages are spent for the author's activity. But other major international activities are also introduced.

Contents of this journal is as follows. In chapter II, basic benefits of World Government are explained. There are political and economic aspects in the benefits. In chapter III, various thoughts on the World Government are introduced. At present, some international groups and individuals are working to establish the World Government. Organizations introduced here are World Government Institute, World Party, World Citizen Network, World Federalist Movement (WFM), World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), and Millennium People's Assembly Network (MPAN). In chapter IV, answers to questionnaire which author sent to various groups in the world are published. About thirty groups have answered to the questionnaire. In chapter V, address of world government related organizations and URL of world government related web site are written. In chapter VI, information from the World Government Institute is shown.


*1 URL of "World Government Institute" is http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/ and "World Party", http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/wp.htm

*2 Toshio Suzuki, "International Party for the World Government," http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/wg.htm, 1997.


1 Basic Benefits of World Government

Basic benefits of World Government are as follows.
1. World Government can reduce or prevent the war and so the destruction by war is reduced or prevented.
2. World Government can reduce the military expenditure.
3. Fluctuation of exchange rate will be removed because the World Central Bank will issue the international common currency.
As shown above, there are political and economic aspects in the benefits of World Government. Political aspect is a common sense among many people. So here it is not explained further. But economic aspect is not so often discussed. Economic benefits of World Government are explained in the next section.

2 The Best Economic Policy Is to Establish the World Government

As written above, the World Government has some important economic benefits. These are explained below in terms of economics.

T.R. Malthus (1766-834) wrote in his book that the population increases geometrically but the necessities of life such as foods or clothes increase arithmetically and so the poverty is inevitable.*3 This theory is not suitable for the advanced countries while it is said that there are 19 advanced countries in the world. But in the present world, population is about 60 billion among which 800 million people are suffering from famine. So Malthus's theory cannot be denied even now when the world as a whole is considered.

K.H. Marx (1818-83) insisted the law of declining rate of profit and insisted that a class of poor laborer which is called the industrial reserve army will emerge.*4 This was denied by statistical analysis. Namely, the profit rate did not decline and the wage of laborers rose according to the rise in productivity of labor. But the analysis was made with regard to the advanced countries. In the world as a whole, there are many poor people which can be called the industrial reserve army. And the capacity utilization in the industry of developing countries is often low. Namely the profit rate is low. So, also Marx's theory cannot be denied.

The dependency theory has developed from the theories of K.G. Myrdal (1898-987) and R. Prebisch (1902- ). The dependency theory divides the world into advanced countries and developing countries. This theory insists that developing countries are not falling behind advanced countries but are depending on advanced countries and that so it is useless to spend time.

These theories are concerned with different aspects of economy. But in a sense, these theories seem to be concerned with same thing. Namely, "Peace" in English means "Paix" in French and "Heiwa" in Japanese. These words are different but mean same thing. Like this, these theories seem to be saying following things. Let us assume that, in a company where laborers including the president are 10, 1 million dollar must be divided to these laborers. If 1 million dollar is divided equally, each laborer receives 100 thousand dollar. But if the president takes 500 thousand dollar and 4 laborers take 400 thousand dollar, remaining 5 laborers must divide 100 thousand dollar. Same thing can be said for the world economy. There is a limitation of the total production in the world according to the level of technology. So if the industry concentrates to particular regions such as Western Europe, USA, and Japan, other countries cannot succeed similarly whatever they try. South Asian and African countries are in this situation. Since the end of World War II, Japan has developed dramatically. But even if other developing countries imitate Japan, they cannot succeed similarly. Economy of Japan owes its strength to the technology. So if there is no advancement of technology as before, developing countries with low wage will catch up with Japanese technology, so industry will shift from Japan to such developing countries, and so Japanese economy will fall into long stagnation due to the industrial hollowing. Recent Asian currency crisis and prosperity in American economy can be explained by this thought. Namely, prosperity in Japan and Asia has shifted to USA, therefore the recession in Japan and currency crisis in Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea have occurred. According to this thought, borrowing of investment fund in developing countries must be prudent. Because as written above, there is a limitation of production in the world as a whole. So investment which is an imitation of advanced countries will not succeed as in advanced countries. Optimistic investment will not bring expected profit and it will lead to the accumulation of debt.

Fig. 1 shows the relation among the level of technology, the effect of economics, the income per capita, and the percentage of population above the poverty line. Here, the poverty line means the level below which people cannot take enough nutrition, cannot wear enough clothes, cannot live in the house, cannot receive enough education and medical care, etc. In the age there was no education system, people above the poverty line could receive private education.

From the origin of figure to the right, horizontal axis OD is the level of technology. The level of technology means the technology such as electricity, car, plane, computer, etc. Vertical axis OJ is the income per capita in real terms. Horizontal axis from the origin to the left OA is the percentage of population above the poverty line. Of course, the percentage of population above the poverty line depends on both the income per capita and distribution of income. It is assumed that the income distribution is fixed to the ordinary level and the percentage of population above the poverty line depends on the income per capita. Line L1 shows the upper limit of income per capita which depends on the technology level. At the origin, the level of technology is that of primitive age but the income is OE, not zero. Because, people need necessities of life such as foods or clothes, so the income per capita in real term is not zero. Line L2 shows the percentage of population above the poverty line which depends on the income per capita.

For example, if the level of technology is C, upper limit of income per capita is CH and this is shown as OG on the vertical axis. This corresponds to BF and then to OB. Thus the percentage of population above the poverty line depends on the level of technology. In this case, the percentage of population above the poverty line is OB, namely, below 100%. If the technology level is D, the percentage is 100%. When the technology level is C, income per capita can attain CH. But there is a gap HK which must be conquered to attain CK. Here the role of economics is the range shown by the arrow marks along the line CH. If the economic policy is appropriate, income per capita approaches H. But if the policy is inappropriate, income per capita will decrease. This means that even if the best economic policy is adopted, income per capita will not reach K. Let us assume that the technology level C is that of Industrial Revolution in 18th century. It is clear that even if the technology at the level of Industrial Revolution is diffused to the maximum extent possible, all people cannot live above the poverty line. As for the present age, it seems that the technology is still at the level too low to attain the income per capita DL. This can be said, as written above, by observing the situation of developing countries, especially countries in South Asia or Africa.

When we think about the economic growth in the world as a whole, there are two ways. One thought is that the world economy can grow up to the level of advanced countries. Another thought is that only some powerful countries can develop to the level of advanced countries. For example, Japan has developed from a poor country in Asia to one of the advanced countries in the world. The question is whether other developing countries can develop like Japan or not. Former thought insists that the prosperity in Japan can be diffused to other developing countries in the world by the power of economic theory. Latter theory insists that it cannot. According to consideration above, the latter theory is appropriate. So the best policy is not to try to develop the developing countries further but to save unnecessary expenditure. Here we unavoidably reach the conclusion that the best economic policy is to establish the World Government.

Considering theses things, new research concerned with the World Government is important. For example, Japan is spending about 1% of GNP as military expenditure. It seems that if Japan spends 5% of GNP for military expenditure, 4% of GNP is transferred from consumption to military expenditure. But this is not everything. If this happens, laborers who have been producing various goods will shift to the military. They will work as soldiers so they will not produce anything. So if laborers shift to the military, the production itself will decrease. This is very important for developing countries. If a conflict happens, laborers who have been producing foods and clothes will go to the military and this can lead to the famine. These aspects are a field of economics to be theorized.


*3 T.R. Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798.

*4 K.H Marx, Das Kapital, 1867-94.


There are some organizations dedicated to the establishment of World Government. Each organization has its own strategy to establish the World Government. Here major organizations and their thoughts are introduced. Information such as branch, address, member, URL of homepage, etc. are listed in chapter V Directory of World Government Related Organizations. Main purpose of this journal is to promote the activity of World Government Institute, World Party, and World Citizen Party Network. Author belongs to these organizations. But author does not stick to particular thought and activity. So some other organizations are also introduced.

1 World Government Institute

This is an institute dedicated to the establishment of World Government. This institute was established by author in May 1997. This institute is composed of branches in the world. Headquarters and president have not been decided yet. As written above, informations such as branch, address, member, URL of homepage, etc. are written in chapter V. Author belongs to the Japanese Branch of World Government Institute. Basic thought of this institute is to establish the World Parliament without the legislative power like European Parliament.*5 This thought is explained in more detail in the following section for World Party. Japanese branch has a homepage. Anyone who wants to found a branch can apply for it. World Government Institute is, so to speak, a discussion and theory section of the world government movement. On the other hand, World Party which is mentioned below is an action section. World Government Institute has its own thought to establish the World Government but does not refuse other thoughts and activities.

2 World Party

This is an international party to establish the World Government This party was founded by author in February 1998. This party is composed of branches in the world. Headquarters and president have not been decided yet. Like the World Government Institute, anyone who wants to found a branch can apply for it. Author belongs to the Japanese Branch of World Party. Also Japanese Branch has a homepage.

The policy of World Party is based on the thought of World Government Institute. The basic policy of party is to elect directly the representatives of each country in proportion to population and send them to the World Parliament. The World Parliament is composed of 2 houses and each house has basically 1,000 members. A numerical example of apportionment of member is as follows. It is assumed that the world population is 6 billion, of which China 1 billion and 180 million, India 956 million, USA 266 million, Japan 132 million, Western Samoa 161 thousand, and Cocos Islands 1 thousand and that the total number of Parliament member is basically 1,000. So, the member from China is 196.6667, from India 159.3333, from USA 44.3333, from Japan 22.0000, from Western Samoa 0.0268, and from Cocos Islands 0.0002. In this case, the members from China are 197 of which the last member has the 0.6667 vote. Similarly, the members from India are 160 of which the last member has the 0.3333 vote, USA 45 members of which the last member has the 0.3333 vote, Japan 22 members. The member from Western Samoa is 1 who has the 0.0268 vote and Cocos Islands 0.0002. Therefore, the total number of vote is approximately 1,000 but the total number of member is more than 1,000. This point is slightly different from the paper.*6 But it is basically same. Thus, this policy is to get the support of people by electing representatives from each country in proportion to population. This is based on the thought that only the support of people can establish and maintain the World Government. The World Party in each country fights the election insisting its main policy and, after getting the power, it will conduct the election. For example, in Japan, if the World Party gets the power, it will enact the law, conduct the election, and elect 22 representatives to the World Parliament. On the other hand, if the World Party gets power in USA, it will elect 45 representatives. Even if the election is conducted in only 2 countries, it can form a part of the World Parliament. Other countries or regions can join later. Thus a part of the World Parliament can develop to the entire World Parliament. The World Parliament on the early stage is a consultative assembly without the legislative power. This is similar to the European Parliament. So each country and region remains independent and has no duty to follow the decision of World Parliament. So, even if China and India cooperate, they cannot rule the world dominantly. If this World Parliament works well, it will be vested the legislative power and enact the world constitution. Like this, it will become the true World Parliament. The members sent from each country and region must be those directly elected by people. So, even if a country under dictatorship sends the members without election, they are not accepted. In these days, most countries and regions send representatives to Olympic Games. So it does not seem impossible to send the representatives to the World Parliament.

The World Party authorizes other parties if their policy on the World Government matches with World Party. For example, World Party will authorizes Liberal Democratic Party in Japan, Democratic Party in USA, Congress Party in India, Communist Party in China etc., if their policy matches with World Party. Thus existing parties also can become the international party for the World Government. Anyone who supports the policy of World Party can join. At present, member fee is free. If sufficient members have gathered, we will have a conference and discuss the plan for election. And anyone who wants to found a branch can apply for it.

Although the main policy of World Policy is to establish the World Government, World Party has, like other parties, policy for actual problems. World Party is an action section of the world government movement and World Government Institute is a discussion and theory section. Policy of World Party is as follows.

A. Domestic Policy of Japanese Branch of World Party

(1) Political System

World Party recognizes the present political system of Japan. Namely, World Party recognizes the present Emperor system. But, World Party aims at the truly democratic system based on the division of the three powers of administration, legislation, and judicature. Namely, in the future, World Party aims to abolish the Emperor system and adopt the president system in which people elect the president as their leader by direct election. For a long time, the Emperor issue has been treated as a taboo. When the political reform is discussed in front of the public, nobody mentioned the Emperor issue. This is because they are afraid of the violence of right wing groups. But today we are in the age of Inter Net. Everybody is living under some political system. So every political issue including the Emperor issue must be considered and discussed. The Emperor issue is one of the questions in the opinion poll of World Party.

(2) Economic System

World Party supports the liberal economic system. Economic policy is basically same as the present policy. Incidentally, World Citizen Party Network, which is mentioned below, accepts both liberalism and communism.

(3) Government Official System

Senior officials of government of Japan are employed by examination and interview. Once they are employed, usually they are not fired until the retirement age. Officials are very excellent people but their salary is not high. Senior officials, especially those of Ministry of Finance, are very powerful because of their official authority. They have the authority to apportion budget, give approval or license, etc. So they are treated very politely by those who must receive budget, or approval, or license, etc. So sometimes they get corrupted. They receive bribe or expensive reception. This is due to their personal evil in a sense. But also the system is responsible for it. One of the solutions to this problem is to raise their salary and watch them more strictly. Their salary should be comparable with doctors, lawyers, directors of company, etc. Instead of that, they must be watched strictly. The penalty for corruption must be heavy to the extent appropriate to their authority and salary. A watching agency for that purpose should be established.

This idea of the watching agency is just an idea. This must be criticized by many people.

B. International Policy

(1) Political System

The main policy of World Party is to establish the World Government. But, at present, there is no World Government. So existing party must specify the actual principle to implement the international policy. The principle of World Party is to respect the resolution of General Assembly of United Nations. The General Assembly is not a perfectly democratic organization and cannot be called a democratic World Parliament. But at the present time, it is closest to the World Parliament. If a permanent member nation of Security Council exercises the veto, it will again verify how the United Nations is undemocratic. So it can be said that the ultimate world political system is the World Government based on the World Parliament. For example, about 150 years ago, Japan was a feudal country ruled by the Tokugawa feudal government. If we proposed people at that age to elect the representatives to the National Diet by election, who would have thought it is possible? But it is a common sense in the present age. Similarly, most people of present age do not think it is possible to elect the representatives to the World Parliament by election. But in the future, it will be a common sense like the present National Diet. Thus truly valuable things are accepted as common sense by the society without complicated theory.

In most countries, tax system is the progressive tax system. Namely, tax rate rises according to the income level. Needles to say, this policy is to reduce the inequality among people. This thought is necessary with regard to the international politics. Politically powerful country should reduce its power and weak country should improve its status. In actual situation, USA is excessively powerful. Each country should respect the General Assembly of United Nations, and particular country should not be and needs not be excessively powerful. So World Party recommends that a resolution to reduce the power of USA should be made in the General Assembly of United Nations. And also the system of veto of permanent member country must be abolished.

(2) Economic System

World Parliament accepts both the liberalism and the communism. Both democratic country and communist country can send representatives to the World Parliament if the representatives are directly elected by people. As mentioned above, World Party supports the liberal economic system.

International market is moving towards the globalization. So the situation of possession of monetary asset like cash, deposit, stocks and bonds, etc. should be seized clearly. So World Party recommends that a survey to seize the situation of possession of these assets should be implemented and the result should be published periodically. For example, in the market of foreign exchange, a great deal of transactions are made every day. But we cannot know who are the owners of those money. Same thing can be said about the stocks and bonds. Situation of possession of these assets should be seized clearly.

(3) Diplomacy of Japan

Diplomacy of Japan must be said the policy of colony of USA. Especially, Japan obeys USA with regard to the trade between Japan and USA. USA often requires Japan to improve the balance of current account. But, since Admiral Perry came to Japan in 1853 and required to open the country, until recently the income level of Japanese economy had been much lower than USA. It is quite recently that Japanese economy has reached mostly equal level with USA. Until then, Japanese worked very hard and did not expect economic aid from USA except the period immediately after the World War II. Therefore there is no humane and theoretical reason that USA requires Japan to concede for the sake of American economy. There are many extremely poor countries in the world and several hundred million people are suffering from famine. Japan is assisting some of those countries and is the biggest donor of economic aid. But Japan does no have enough power to take care of all the countries in the world. It is quite arrogant that rich country like USA requires the concession from Japan. If USA suffers from a economic difficulty such as high unemployment rate, USA should conquer it by its own effort. Since American Continent was discovered by Columbus in 1492, American Continent has been developed by the effort of people living there. It is the result of competition that USA outran European countries and that there are still many poor countries in the world. So USA should solve this kind of problem by competition. Sometimes USA and some European countries criticize that Japanese work too hard because they do not want to loose the superiority in the world. But this is fundamentally wrong. In the world as a whole, there are many poor countries although people in those countries are working very hard. Only exceptionally rich countries can say that Japanese work too hard. If USA wants to improve the trade balance, it should take the policy for that. For example if workers work with lower wage, the prices of products decline, so the import decreases and the export increases. But USA unreasonably requires Japan to concede. Or we can say that Japan's diplomacy is too weak. USA is a country which European people, mainly Anglo-Saxon people, developed massacring native people. And European people abducted and brought many native people from Africa and used them as slaves. They whipped slaves who do not obey the order and make them obey the order. They require Japan the concession. And if Japan does not accept it, they suggest a sanction. It is essentially same as the way they used against slaves. These are nothing but the tyranny of super power.

If Japan does not accept the requirement of USA, USA suggests a sanction. So Japan has been accepting many requirements from USA. But Japan should not give up the dignity of independent country to avoid the sanction. Japan assists USA blindly and so it strengthens the power of USA in the international society and allows more and more the tyranny of USA. Japan should not obey USA for the benefits of Japan only. Or we can say that politicians should not obey USA to get the support of USA. Present Japanese politicians must be said the house dogs of USA. They are same as cunning and shameless groups in a colony which tried to win a favor of suzerain state. Japan must not forget that some European countries colonialized many Asian and African countries. Population of Japan is mostly half of USA and GNP of Japan is about 70% of USA. Japan is strong enough to maintain the dignity of independent country against USA. If Japan condemns the tyranny of USA definitely from the standpoint of humanity and justice, USA will reduce its power. And it will verify the true power of Japan and will become the benefits of Japan also in the long-run. So the best policy of Japan is to respect the General Assembly, to make a good relation with China and North Korea, and to abolish the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. With regard to the Taiwan issue, Japan should not intervene in it. USA intervened in many parts of world, such as Iraq, Israel, Kosovo, etc. In these issues, USA is ignoring United Nations. If the General Assembly supports, Japan should intervene international issue including Taiwan issue. With regard to the nuclear arms in North Korea, Japan should negotiate with North Korea not to develop and place it. This is not impossible if Japan proposes the abolition of Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. Namely if Japan proposes it and declares not to intervene in Taiwan issue, China will accept it and push North Korea not to develop nuclear arms. This is same with regard to Russia. Russia will also accept the proposal of Japan and push North Korea. If North Korea agrees not to develop nuclear arms, Japan can abolish the Security Treaty. The Security Treaty was necessary to prevent the invasion from Russia. But nowadays, Russia is not a threat. With regard to China, China is not invading South East Asian countries which is not under the nuclear umbrella of USA. So if North Korea does not develop nuclear arms, Japan can abolish the Security Treat and become neutral.

But before implementing these policy, Japan must establish the democracy and the freedom of speech. In Japan, political system is the Emperor system. At present, the Emperor has no political power but is a symbol of Japan. Before World War II, Emperor was a god and ruling Japan. Even now, right wing group is preventing democracy. Mass media does not implement opinion poll on the Emperor. But as a common sense, it is said that the Emperor system will be abolished in the future like the Royal system in United Kingdom. Above all, fair opinion poll on the political system including Emperor system must be implemented periodically and the result must be published. If the Emperor system is supported by the largest portion of people, it is not necessary to change the system. If the president system is supported by the largest portion of people, it must be introduced. Only when fair opinion poll is implemented and the political system which gets the largest support of people is introduced, Japan can be called a democratic country. When that has been achieved, the world including North Korea, China, and Russia will trust Japan. Only when the world trusts Japan, Japan can abolish the Security Treaty and become neutral.

(4) Nuclear Policy

World Party does not adopt the policy of possessing nuclear arms. This is because the problem of nuclear arms is automatically solved by the establishment of World Government. When India and Pakistan implemented the nuclear test, Japanese government took sanctions against them. But when USA implemented the sub critical nuclear test, Japanese government did not even condemn it. Although USA has the best nuclear technology in the world, USA implemented the sub critical nuclear test in order to raise their superiority in the international society insisting that the test does not violate the CTBT, Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Therefore, USA should be condemned much more than India and Pakistan. The CTBT seems to be a peaceful policy in a sense. But the nuclear state has a superiority over the non-nuclear state. Therefore, the policy to ban the nuclear test maintaining this superiority-inferiority relation is nothing but the policy to maintain the superiority of nuclear state. While India insisted that the CTBT is an unequal treaty, India was correct in this point. If USA implements the nuclear test, Japanese government should take sanctions such as non-buying of the Treasury bonds of USA.

Even under the present system of United Nations, it is possible to put sanction against nuclear states. If non nuclear states cooperate, they can put sanction against nuclear states. At the United Nations, if a resolution to put sanctions on the nuclear states was made, it will be effective to some extent even if it is refused by the veto.

(5) Diplomacy for Arabian Countries

Japan should make its standpoint clear with regard to the policy of USA in the Arabian countries also. USA does not leave Saudi Arabia though the Gulf War had finished. There is a huge oil interests in Arabian countries, so USA is intervening in this area. Israel is venturing the settlement violating the treaty. USA is overlooking it while USA is strict against Iraq and tried to bomb Iraq without the resolution of United Nations. Fundamental cause of terrorism against USA is in these policy of USA itself. Also these policy are the tyranny of super power. Japan must recognize that Japan's blind assist to USA is enhancing these tyranny.

(6) Judicial Power

In July 1998, the treaty of International Criminal Court (ICC), was adopted in the Diplomatic Conference in Rome. ICC is going to be born in the near future. But there is another vision for judicial power. This idea is to vest the judicial power to the World Parliament. The target of this judicial power is mainly the organizations in the underground world like Mafia. In ordinary system of the division of the three powers of administration, legislation, and judicature, these organization namely Mafia cannot be judged as guilty without definite evidence. So there exist many organizations of this kind in the world. But this can be judged by the truly democratic World Government. For example, if an organization of this kind exists and is committing crimes obviously, the World Parliament takes up this organization as a case to be judged. If the organization is judged as guilty by vote, the parliament orders the members of organization to quit the organization. If the member does not obey this order, he is arrested and judged at the court. Even if he joins another organization or establishes a new organization, he is arrested and judged. But also the accuseds have human rights. They cannot change their job so easily. So they should be given a time for it. For example, at first, this law can be applied for only the age group below 15 years old. Next year, the law is applied for the age group below 16 years old. In this way, after some years, every people will be covered by this law. Or certain period, for example 10 years, should be given to those judged guilty. Then they can change their job within 10 years.

This kind of judicial power is very dangerous in some cases because this power can be used against political opponents. So this kind of judicial power is possible only after the truly democratic World Government is established and the war is terminated completely.

This idea of judicial power is just an idea. This must be considered and discussed by many people.

3 World Citizen Party Network

This is a network for individuals and organizations which support the establishment of World Government by the help of political party. This was announced in October 1998. The idea of this network was proposed to the World Party by Mr. Hans Starlife. Mr. Starlife is a director of Starlife Global & Cosmic Services of which the address is written in the member list of World Citizen Party Network below. Policy of World Party, which is shown above, must be said extreme in a sense. But, in the Network, many things are moderated and so the process to establish World Government is not specified definitely. The process can be to establish the World Parliament outside the system of United Nations or to establish the World Parliament by evolving the United Nations. And in the next stage, a new political party for the World Government may be founded among the members of Network. The progress of this movement depends on the discussion among participants.

Headquarters and president of Network have not been decided yet. Author has a hope that the Network will be treated like Linux, a free operating system.

4 World Federalist Movement (WFM)

This organization has a history of about 50 years. Basic policy is to establish the World Federation by evolving the United Nations. WFM has foreign chapters in about 20 countries. It has a world congress once in four years and had it in November 1998 in India. WFM has a mailing list.

5 World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)

Also WCPA has a history of about 50 years. WCPA has a "Constitution for the Federation of Earth." WCPA is planning to establish the World Government according to this constitution. WCPA also has a world congress periodically. It will have a provisional World Parliament in Baghdad in Iraq in September 2000. It has organized GREN, Global Ratification & Elections Network. They announce that more than 1,000 organizations in 115 countries have joined the GREN campaign.

6 Millennium People's Assembly Network (MPAN)

The Millennium Peoples Assembly Network (MPAN) is acting in response to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's invitation to civil society and the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) community to hold a "People's Millennium Assembly" or Millennium Forum in the year 2000. This organization has a mailing list to which everyone can join through the homepage. World congress is under preparation.


*5 Toshio Suzuki, "International Party for the World Government," http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/wg.htm, 1997.

*6 Ibid.


Author sent a questionnaire to about 100 world government related organizations in the world. Following 5 questions were sent. In the answers shown below, questions are omitted and only the number of question is shown. Questionnaires were sent from November 1998 to January 1999 and about 30 replies were returned.

I am very much thankful to answerers.

Questionnaire - Please answer to the question you want to answer -

1. What are the name, address, e-mail address, homepage, etc. of your organization?


2. What is the basic object of your organization?

3. How is the structure of organization? Please write the number of staffs, paid-up member, not paid-up member etc.

Full Time:
Part Time:
Not Paid-Up:

4. What are your major activities?

5. Please write whatever your organization wants to appeal at the Hague Appeal. You can write the way how to get involved, member fee, etc.



Name: National Federation of Youth Organizations in Bangladesh (NFYOB)
Address: 2/7, Sir Sed Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
E-mail: saffron!citechco.net
To plan, direct and coordinate the youth developmental activities of the country.
Full Time: 1
Part Time: 2
Volunteer: 26
Paid-Up: 300 organisations.
Not Paid-Up: 3,500 Organisations.
The National Federation of Youth Organisations in Bangladesh (NFYOB) is the national coordinating council of the youth organizations which includes 300 national youth organizations and 2000 district level and local organizations as its members. The central committee of the federation is elected and constituted by the representatives of different member organizations. The main objectives of the federation are to plan, direct and coordinate the youth development and welfare activities of the country. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and registered under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh. NFYOB is always cooperative with the respective government agencies in organizing youth related activities of the country.

It has in its credit of leading and pioneering a number of social movements including Child Rights, Human Rights, Peace Building, Anti-Drug and Environment Protection activities etc.

NFYOB had accomplished a number of programmes jointly with the related ministries and organizations engaged in Human resource development. Similarly NFYOB has participated in various events co-sponsored by the Government, UN Agencies and other development agencies.

Every year NFYOB observes befittingly the International Volunteer Day, International Peace Day, Anti-Drug Day, Environment Day, Family Day, UN Day, Human Rights Day etc. including the National Youth Day. NFYOB has organized several training courses, workshops and seminars on Child Rights, Human Rights, Drug Abuse Prevention, National Youth Policy, Environment Protection, Peace and Justice, Youth Unemployment, Water and Sanitation, Abuse and exploitation of Children and Women etc.

On its 1st founding anniversary in 1986, a seminar and a rally was organized on Drug Abuse. More than 25,000 young men and women took part in the rally. NFYOB also submitted a draft Bill to the Government for providing sentences to the Drug Traffickers and Smugglers and extending treatment and care facilities to the addicts. The law was then adopted by the Government and death penalty was introduced for drug trafficking and trading in Bangladesh.
a. Organized the Bangladesh National Youth PrepCom on the Hague Appeal for Peace.
b. Organized one Youth Rally on the Hague Appeal.
c. Organized meetings and seminars the Hague Appeal.
Protect Youth Youth will provide peace.

Name: Mr. M.W. Faruque
Chief Co-ordinator
Mr. Gazi H. Iqbal
YADC Secretary
Youth Approach For Development & Co-operation (YADC)
Address: 3 Purana Paltan, GPO Box : 3772, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
E-mail: yadc!bangla.net
Homepage: http://www.minesactioncanada.com/country_summary.cfm?country=Bangladesh
Enforce Human Rights, Defend Environment, Campaign for elimination of Landmine & curbing weapons, volunteering for Migrant & distressed.
Full Time: 2
Part Time: 3
Volunteer: 7
Member: 1300 members throughout the country
This is a Bangladesh chapter of ICBL (International Campaign To Ban Landmine) & CSVBD (Consortium for sustainable village based development) established in 1993 co-ordinators in different districts & abroad. YADC formed a coalitions of 7 other NGO's in Bangladesh.
YADC, a non profit, Non Government organization comprising members of Youth Women & adult with fully secular policy.
We are working for enforcing Human Rights-Women & children rights in particular, defending & awareness campaign for environmental sustainable development. Anti dowry, Anti-narcotics campaigns & Anti-landmine & light weapons campaigns duly co-ordinating different NGO's. We are volunteering for migrants & distressed.

No membership fees introduced as yet, but most member extend donation for organizing seminar, rally & conference. ICBL granting travel allowances from time to time for the International conference that organized under their auspices.

We are hosting regional conference on 20-22 March '99 Dhaka for wide Agenda of Landmine treaty implementation, monitoring, establishment of just ICC, & preparation for Hague Appeal for Peace conference & subsequent peace march from the Hague to NATO Head Quarter, Brussels.

YADC like to shoulder the effort to eliminate & curb the deadly weapons: Antipersonnel Mines, Light Weapons, Biological, chemical & Nuclear & shall join every initiatives for world peace with common objectives under UN & other NGO's Intra Governmental organizations & other civil societies.


Name: Prof. Dr. Francis Dessart
Council for Humane Rights and Religious Freedom (Int'l)
Address: c/o Prof. Francis Dessart, 6 Rue Moncrabeau, B. 5000 Namur, Belgium
All Aspects of Humane Rights and Liberty of Conscience
Full Time: 20
Part Time: 30
Volunteer: 180
Paid-Up: number not available at this date
seminaries, expertises, reports, conference, lectures, etc.

We want to co-work with the Hague Appeal Committee

Name: Prof. Dr. Francis Dessart
International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)
Address: 6 Rue Moncrabeau, B. 5000 Namur, Belgium
Peace by Education
Full Time: 20
Part Time: 100
Not Paid-Up: 36,000
Co-Work with universities - seminaries - reports
support the Appeal


Name: Dr. Marin R. Mehandjiev
Ph.D., Scientific Secretary
Association of Bulgarian Ecologists & Environmentalists (ABEECOL)
Address: P.O. Box 11, 1231 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: abecop!museum.web.bg
- Development and improvement of environmental education in Bulgaria
- Theoretical studies on ecological modelling, assessment and monitoring
- Development of geoinformation monitoring system (GIMS) in Bulgaria and Balkan countries
- Practical assessment of ecological state of urban-agri-industrial region of the biotechnosphere, in Bulgaria and other countries.
- Participation in the development of the environmental politics in Bulgaria
Staff: A governing counsel
Paid-Up: 208
Not Paid-Up: 9
Education, Publishing Books, Conferences, etc.
International Conference "GLOPSIECO '99" is going to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 - 18th, 1999. The topic is "Globalization Process and the Social, Economic and Ecological Problems in Small Countries."
Our basic works are associated with combined economic-social-ecological models for preventing the Triple Global Disaster: demographic explosion, resources and ecological states change for the worse, as well as models for a practical, quantitatively defined, sustainable development /because the Stockholm' and Rio' so-called "definitions" are nothing but mottos/.


Name: Mr. Fergus Watt
Executive Director
World Federalists of Canada
Address: 207-145 Spruce Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6P1 Canada
E-mail: wfcnat!web.net
Homepage: http://www.web.net/~wfcnat/WFC.html
promote world federalism
Staff: 2
Member: 1,600
Canadian Network for an International Criminal Court
Canadian Preparatory Process for Hague Appeal for Peace
WFC, World Federalists of Canada, is not focusing on particular issue. WFC is coordinating a Canadian NGO Network and Preparatory Process for HAP.


Name: Mr. Faustin Sheta Mikayele
Club des Mondialstes pour Humanisme et Development (CMHD)
Address: 109 Lukuila, Lemba, Kinshasa, Congo
- Establishment of a peaceful world government by evolving the United nations.
- Enrolment of world citizens.
- Suggest a humanitarian and political formation for the WG.
Full Time: 10 city members (leaders of the World Citizen in Cities)
Part Time: 15
Volunteer: All members are not paid-up for lack of means
Paid-Up: 5
- Diffusion of basic ideas of World Citizenship and enrolment of members therein.
- Make professional workshop for micro-projects in rural milieux so as to fight against hunger.
- Make a network for cooperation and information.
- Local meeting in some cities.
For the successfulness of the organization of WFM Japan (World Federalist Movement Japan), our Status everybody are required to support its object. We are asking members to participate freely. No fixed fee is applied as most members are jobless.


Name: Prof. Aime Blanc
Institute of Practical Rights - New Democracy
Address: 133, rue Armand Dutreix 87000 - Limoges - France
Tel: 05 55 01 22 04
Rights of People - The pursuit of the peace of world
Volunteer : 500
Not Paid-Up: 5,000
Humanitarian culture - Rights of people - Actions for the relief of world - Cultural and diplomatic relation, etc...
Action dedicated to the establishment of the world government. Movement of the world citizen - movement of world government. Institute of free world and of world government, etc...
Themes: research for the peace of world
protection of environment
development and rights of people etc...
universal solidarity

(Author: The above was translated into English from original answer in French)


Name: Mr. S.S. Baffour-Awuah
National Secretary
African Youth Command (AYC)
Address: PO Box 46, State House, Accra, Ghana
To mobilise, train and guide the youth on the continent in order to tackle African problems with more realism and objectivity.
Full Time: 5
Part Time: 36
Paid-Up: 25,014
The African Youth Command is an independent movement set up to mobilise and train the youth of Africa to tackle African problems. Since its inception in 1973, the African Youth Command has established branches in sister African Countries with the same objectives in view. The organisation has consistently trained and mobilised the Youth. We have trained many youth through scholarships to acquire academic and professional skills in agriculture, industry, medicine, engineering and sciences.

The African Youth Command has an observer seat at the Conference of Heads of State and Governments of Africa. The Command has attended many international youth conferences in many countries and have contributed constructively in all these conferences.

The membership is open to all those who share in our vision regardless of their political, religious and personal beliefs.
Hague Appeal For Peace 1999
11th - 15th May, 1999
"World Without War" - African Youth Command

We live in a world that is constantly going thorough a lot of crisis. There are pockets of wars and civil rebellions everywhere. Africa is torn apart through civil wars and military rebellions. The Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Eritrea, Sierra Leone are engaged in civil wars. Liberia has fought a six year bloody war and the havoc of these wars cannot be measured in terms of human and material loss. The arms build up Iraq is a source of danger to the whole Middle East. The conflict between Israel and her Arab neighbours is another source of threats to the peace of the World.

The entire human race faces a grim future with the danger of world war every passing day.

We come to this conference with a very strong appeal to the super powers and the highly industrialised nations of the world to find a permanent and lasting answers to the crisis engulfing the world today. We believe that a world without peace cannot be safe for mankind. We appeal to U.N., O.A.U. and any other world bodies to work effectively to restore peace to mankind.

We also view the manufacture of nuclear and deadly weapons as another source of danger to the world. Many nations spend annually billions of dollars on arms build up. This constitute a drain on the scarce resource of these nations and often leads to revolt by their citizens. We appeal to the Hague Conference to tackle the issue of wars in the world and the escalation in the build up of arms in all the troubled parts of the world. We call on the conference to send delegations to the United Nations, O.A.U. and all Conferences aimed at revolving conflicts to table motions for world peace and a world without arms and the destruction of all nuclear weapons.


Name: Mr. Abdoulaye Sadio Diallo
Executive Secretary
Volunteer Guineen pour l'environnement (V.G.E)
Address: P.O. Box. 1861, Conakry, Guinea
Our basic is to create a net work of N.G.O. globally that will care for the dejected poor that are suffering, around the world.

Just because of international sanctions which is a civilise form of modern torture used by the five security councils members to decide the faith of the world. (Security member council) for the education of only one earth, into the 21st century, we need, the final ratification of the world constitution and parliament association (W.C.P.A.). To wipe the continue slavery that is still existing in Mauritania, Australia, and some Arab countries like the Arab emirates.
Staff: 10
Full Time: 7
Part Time: 3
Volunteer: 350, for the various region in Guinee we have 35 regions for each region we have about 10 volunteers working in different fields.
This N.G.O. was established in 1989, and now it has 35 branches and 360 members in it, and it is a member of the Guinee network of N.G.O. consisting of various background.

Nationwide, rural and urban campaign for the sensitations of the population about the hazard of living in an unclean environments. In 1997/98 fiscal year about 1000.000 copies of bulletin from various school where distributed, in various communities.

V.G.E. is always conducting seminars and workshops to educate the masses about, environmental pollution, and the importance of finding an alternative replacement for the UNITED NATIONS.

Which is the W.C.P.A. because, into the 21st millennium we need a world free of nuclear armament, and international double standards. Like it is done today by both the U.S. and BRITAIN.
(I) - The method used by the UN to solve conflict we feel they should prevent conflict. instead of le happening.

(II) - The idea of just five permanent members to rule the world at the security council, should be changed. We feel, all the continents around the globe should be represented.

(III) - The method used by the I.M.F. To sponsor developing countries around the world. We feel they should always ask these countries what they want and stop imposing on them with their harsh measures.

We will need each and every organization that will be attending this meeting at the Hague, to sign this document of campaign, that we are going to prepare and each organization should campaign, Their respective Government, to sign and put pressure on the by. conducting peaceful demonstration around the world. You will just have to pay a fee of $50 in other for us to be able to facilitate circulation of this document around the world the fifty dollar, is at organisational level. For individual contribution, you need to pay $20 we hope you will circulate this idea among the members of your organization.


Name: Mr. P.K. Agrawal
World Integration and Improvement Initiative
Address: L/A-u/3-3, Ajmera Housing Complex, Pune 411018, India
E-mail: pka21715!telco.co.in
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/6150/
Uniting the world under a World Government and elimination of armies of all countries.
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid-Up: over 5,000
We are mainly involved in conducting a public awareness campaign to educate people on how the world can be freed from both war and poverty simultaneously. We got to children in school. Explain how a World Government can provide security and save the world from danger of war and enormous cost in maintaining armies. Then in turn go and educate their parents and neighbours. People agreeing with our views fill up a small form to become World Citizen, free of charge.
At present, security is provided to people by their respective countries. To do so, they maintain armies. Every country feels that it is, or will be, inadequately protected. Hence, countries constantly keep upgrading their armies to make them more and more powerful. This loop cannot be broken and unless we abandon this path for getting securities, destruction of the world is inevitable.

Is there an alternative? There is. We can get security, if we remove the sources of insecurities. What are they: Armies of other countries. If other countries do not have armies, we are secure. Needles to say, our own army also has to be removed so that others are secure. Thus, we can see that armies are nor a solution to security problem, they are the cause of it. Hence, we propose that a World Government should be established to provide securities to all countries of the world and armies of all countries should be eliminated simultaneously, gradually, verifiably. If that is done, the world can experience true peace. Also, this will result in such enormous savings that poverty can obliterated (wiped out) from the face of the earth.

In nutshell



Name: Dr. Roy E. Johnstone,
Caribbean Action Group
Address: 16 Birdsucker, Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica
To establish a Caribbean Academy which will have the best of the Arts and Science of the Caribbeans
We have connection with the 14 Caribbean countries and territories.
Full Time: None now
Not Paid-Up: 80
World University in Jamaica
Actively participating to the activity of World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) which has been holding Provisional World Parliament since 1982. The history is
1982 - Brighton, England
1985 - New Delhi, India
1987 - Florida, USA
1996 - Barcelona, Spain


Name: Mr. Kazuhiro Araki
Association to Save Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea (Association to Save, Tokyo)
Address: c/o Miyoshi Law Office, 7F Atagoyama Lawyer Building, 1-6-7 Atago, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
E-mail: mki!ppp.bekkoame.or.jp
Homepage: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~lj7k-ark/
To Save Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea
Staff: There is no regular staff. Mainly, secretaries attend as volunteers when it is necessary.
Member: Not considered as member
To stimulate the public opinion of Japan and world on the kidnapping case. To require the Government of Japan to deal with the kidnapping case more positively. To require directly against North Korea.
It is known that foreigners kidnapped by North Korea are not only Japanese but also Chinese, Europeans, People in South East Asian countries. At present, North Korea is the most dictatorial country in the world and the agreement of Mr. Kim Jong-Il is definitely necessary to solve the problem. We request all the people in the world to send the requirement to settle this problem by sending a post card or a letter to Mr. Kim Jong-Il, Secretary General of Labor Party of Korea, Pyongyang City, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
Kazuhiro Araki
Chief of Research and Manager of Inter Net
Modern Korea Institute
Homepage: http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~mki/english.html
e-mail : mki!ppp.bekkoame.ne.jp

The above is a private reply from Mr. Araki. The below is a complement by Author:

Letter is, for example, as follows. You can change the message on the back side.

Front Side:
Mr. Kim Jong-Il
Secretary General
Pyongyang City
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)

Back Side:
Please Release Our Comrades You Kidnapped!
Name and Address (not necessary)

It can be thought that the greatest effect of post card movement is not to save the kidnapped people but to prevent further kidnapping. It can be thought that if the mass media did not report the kidnapping case, if the private groups such as saving association did not take action at all, and if most Japanese do not know the kidnapping case, North Korea is still kidnapping Japanese. It seems that the kidnapping was deterred because the key person of government protested, private groups protested, and the mass media reported. It can be said a great work, if these various movements saved even one of those who were kidnapped if there were no such movements.

(Author: The above was translated into English from original answer in Japanese)

Name: Karenni Independence Foundation
Address: 3-20 Katsuyama 4 Chome, Tennoji-Ku, Osaka, Japan
E-mail: harrie10!aol.com
To support the Karenni people in their struggle for independence
It is a new organisation with 10 members.
We are giving presentations, making appeals, delegations and in the future action such as vigils.
We hope that people will look at the wider situation of Burma and the struggle of the ethnic and indigenous people. The Karenni people have for 50 years struggled for their independence from Burma, prior to this they were a separate nation with their own language, culture and religious traditions. Now people are being used as forced laborers, being relocated from their homed to camps with no shelter or food, even the most basic of human rights are denied. Many people have fled to Thailand and there conditions are better with education, health care and food but the humanitarian support is limited. Anyone that is interested in helping as a volunteer teacher, by sending donations or whatever way you can please contact the group. Most members give 5,000 yen a month but the amount is optional.

Name: Mr. Kazuhiko Kawamura
Secretary General
WORLD FEDERALIST MOVEMENT JAPAN (WFM JAPAN) (Former: United World Federalist of Japan (UWFJ))
Address: Daiichi Fujikawa Building, 4-23 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, Zip Code 160-0004, Japan
E-mail: KYW07636!nifty.ne.jp
Homepage: http://member.nifty.ne.jp/uwfj/
Establishment of World Federation by evolving the United Nations
Full Time: 1
Part Time: 2
Volunteer: some
Paid-Up: 5,000
This is a Japanese chapter of World Federalist Movement (WFM). This organization was established in 1948. Now it has 68 branches and 5,000 members in it. And it is, with other 6 related organizations, forming a Japanese coalition for the world federation.

Nationwide primary and junior high school contest of poster and essay for the promotion of World Federation. In 1996 fiscal year, 5,700 posters from 283 schools and 1,300 essays from 107 schools participated.

World federation movement to donate 10 yen every day.

World federation movement of declaring World Federation City. Twenty-eight prefectures and 348 cities, wards, towns, and villages have already declared the World Federation Peace Autonomous Body.

World Federation Japan National Diet Committee. In February 1997, it has 117 members from Lower and Upper house of National Diet. They are making effort to pass the "World Federation National Diet Declaration Resolution" which makes the establishment of World Federation one of the diplomatic policy of Japan.

World Federation Music Festival

World Federation General Meeting in Japan. Every year, 7 World Federation related organizations jointly organize a general meeting in various parts of Japan, promote the diffusion of thought of World Federation, and stimulate the public opinion.

Seminar for International Criminal Court (ICC) and for Hague Appeal for Peace 1999. WFM JAPAN is holding a regular meeting to prepare for Hague Appeal.
Anyone who support the object of WFM JAPAN can become a member without regard to nationality, religion, principle.
Annual Member Fee:
Normal Member 2,5000 Yen
Maintaining Member 5,000 Yen
Supporting Member 10,000 Yen or more
(1 Dollar = about 120 Yen in November 1998)
Member fee can be different according to branch.


Name: Rev. Silvanus A.B. Malaho
Executive Director
Kenya Volunteer Development Services
Address: P.O. Box 310, Bungoma, Kenya
Tel: 254-337-30256
Fax: 254-337-20235
Mission: Alleviate Human Suffering
Full Time: 12
Part Time: 36
Volunteer: 126
Paid-Up: 48 (They receive allowances.)
Not Paid-Up: 280
We organize Awareness Seminars/Workshops, Rehabilitation of destitute Cases in our Society, Re-Afforestation, Promotion and strengthening of Social Welfare activities
We would like to appeal at the Hague Appeal. Please help one of our person to participate in this important World congress

For it's long over due World Government was put in place. A lot of money and other resources are wasted on military expenditure, improvement of weapons, Development and testing of Nuclear weapons/incitement of one nation against another especially with super powers.

Millions in developing countries are starving to death because they lack water, adequate food, lack of shelter, illiteracy is on the increase etc. Wasted resources should be channeled to improve poor infrastructures and facilities for the benefit of these vulnerable groups.


Name: Mr. Romualdas Ruzgus
Address: V. Kreves prospektas 9-l, 3042 Kaunas, Lithuania
To spread the idea to establish a united world democratic state
Full Time: 1
Part Time: 3
Paid-Up: 45
This is the only movement of such trend in Lithuania and the Baltic states.

The aim of the movement is to popularize the idea of uniting the states of the world in order to protect the environment, to develop science, to disarm and achieve universal peace, to use economically the resources of the earth as well as its means, to improve people's life.

This organization was established in 1996.

The publication "Earth is one for all" was published.

In order to achieve guaranteed universal peace, it is necessary to spread the idea of uniting the states of the World. This trend could be suitable for the Hague Conference.

Anyone who support the object of Movement can become a member without regard to nationality, principle.

Member Fee for a Year: Normal Member 10 Litu ( 1$ = 4Lt )


Name: Mr. Reinhart Ruge
World Constitution and Parliament Association
Address: Apartado 112- Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico
Fax: 52 739 51264
Establish Democratic World Government - non-military
Approximately 1,500 NGO organizations signed up in most countries of the World with a combined membership of over 10 million people
Full Time: 6
Part Time: 3 - 4
Volunteer: many
Paid-Up: This is by cooperation of many organizations.
Prepare the next Provisional World Parliament
We would hope that the Hague Peace Appeal would understand and recognize the work started one hundred years ago tending towards World Government. -An excellent book on this subject has been written, specially in context with Japans contribution to the subject: "Shidehara Kijuro, Statesman and Pacifist" a political Biography - written by Klaus Schlichtman - Sophia University - Tokyo. -

As you might remember Shidehara was the first and Pacifist Prime Minister of Japan after the war - now forgotten by many Japanese.


Name: Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa
Friends Service Council-Nepal
Office Address: Imadol-7, Lalitpur, Nepal
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 12734, Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail: fsc!wlink.com.np
The following are the basic object of our organization:

To run programmes that can help to improve environmental conditions of the community.

To run income generating and result oriented programmes that can support to uplift the living standard of the poor underprivileged and needy people.

To run programmes that can assist in raising public awareness and advocacy on various social causes.

To conduct programmes that can help to empower the women and to safeguard human rights and democracy.

To run core programmes in bringing world peace and help to develop the balance between people and environment.

To establish good relationships with different level of national and international organizations in the field of bilateral co-operation.
FSC/Nepal has 50 members and 100 volunteers are actively involved in this organization.

Following are the major activities launched by our organization

Environment improvement programmes for sustainable development.

Rural integrated development programme for the upliftment of Socio-economically deprived segment of the society.

Saving and credit programme for sustainable development in micro-level.

People's empowerment programme for over all development of socially backward people.

Drinking water sanitation programme on rural and remote areas throughout the country. Currently, the programme likely 'Rural Water Supply and Sanitation' is being launched at Lamatar V.D.C. of Lalitpur district of the kingdom. And we are going to launch such programme at different V.D.C. of Nuwakot district

Advocacy and people awareness programmes on different relevant issues.

Peace movement activities to initiate peace and harmony all over the world by introducing different programmes.

Networking and information sharing on different issues and topics in connection with different level national and international organizations.
It is very good news for the organizations like ours to have the information about the forthcoming programme on the 'Hague Appeal for Peace 1999.' We hope this programmes will introduce innovative landmarks in bringing peace, harmony and solidarity all over the world. This programme will certainly accelerate the movement with generosity on depth for acquiring its objectives.

Name: Mr. Manju Ratna Sakya
Nepal Journalists Association
Address: Post Box No. 285, Maitighar, Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail: mrshakya!wlink.com.np
Association of printed and electric media of Nepal
Full Time: 29
Part Time: 53
Volunteer: 1,013
Member: 5,000
Nepal Journalists Association is an association of Nepalese journalists. We arrange many programmes on journalism.
We fully support the programmes of Hague Appeal. Congratulations to all concerning persons. Anything to be done from Nepal Journalists Association, kindly let us know. We will be very happy to help any time any moment. Thanks.


Name: Mr. Peter Davidse
Executive Director
Wereld Federalisten Beweging Nederland (World Federalist Movement of the Netherlands)
Address: Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indie 252, 2593 CD The Hague, the Netherlands
E-mail: wfbn!antenna.nl
To promote world peace through federal, democratic world government. To be a center for registration of world citizens. For this we aim at strengthening international institutions and the rule of law worldwide.
We have about 300 members, the highest decision making body is the general assembly, which is held at least once a year. WFBN has committees for: world citizenship; Esperanto; spirituality; political action. In the East of the Netherlands we have a branch that organizes meetings of it's own. The general assembly appoints a board, consisting of 6 to 11 members. WFBN has a small office with one full time paid staff member, the director and several volunteers which number changes between 1 and 4.
Permanent Staff: 1
Part Time Staff or Volunteer Staff: 2 - 4
Paid-Up: 300
Newsletter 4-6 times a year. Conferences at least 3 per year. Networking with other organizations, some lobbying of parliament. WFBN is the Dutch member organisation of the World Federalist Movement.

The topics of the seminars we organized last year were:
"The organization of the world society: how far have we come? - 50 years world federalist movement the Netherlands - areas: international law, sustainable development and globalization, the diversity of cultures."
"The United Nations- course of three evenings."
"From the Ad Hoc tribunal for Yugoslavia to the International Criminal Court"
"World federalism around the year 2000 - deepening our understanding of world unification processes"
Three" Round table discussions on democracy: what is the present state and what can be improved?"

WFBN also participated in the Dutch platform to celebrate 50 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We were specifically active in organizing a press conference on the freedom of speech.

WFBN published two books on the history of the Dutch world federalist movement.
WFBN will organize a workshop on global citizenship, in cooperation with the world citizens foundation.

When living in the Netherlands of being of Dutch nationality, you can become a member of WFBN by writing to the address above. Costs: fl. 25,- per year. To register as a world citizen will cost you fl. 30,- once, this includes one year membership of WFBN. For a registration form please address yourself to the address above.

When you are not attached to the Netherlands, please contact the WFM member organization nearest to you.


Name: Mr. Mohammed Ehsan
Co-operation for Peace and Unity (CPAU) (Afghan NGO in Pakistan)
Address: c/o ACBAR, Rahman Baba Road University town, Peshawar, Pakistan (Address in Pakistan)
E-mail: ehsanzia!brain.net.pk
Social Justice, Development and Peace building in Afghanistan are Promoted and nurtured through greater involvement of Afghans.
Full Time: 2
Volunteer: 5
Paid-Up: 60
Co-operation for Peace and unity is a network of Afghans dedicated to the promotion of social justice, development and our major activities are including, offering training workshops on "Working With Conflict/ Do No Harm" to develop local capacities for peace; peace education at the school level to replace the prevailing culture of violence; providing a wide-ranging material on peace, human rights, and conflict resolution and facilitating opportunities for developing the capacities of Afghans crucial to peace and development of their country.
Those who are committed to peace building in the world can become a member without regard to nationality, race, religion, considerations. We also request assistance towards developing peace capacities in Afghanistan.


Name: Mr. Johnny Vasquez Vinces
International Youth Civic Association
Peruvian Youth Party
Address: Jr. Chongoyape No. 222, Lima 32, Peru
E-mail: jvasquez!unmsm.edu.pe
Homepage: Preparing
Canalize the wishes and goal of young people to development objectives and participation.
Eclectic organization
Full Time: 5
Part Time: 20
Volunteer: 100
Not Paid-Up: 3,000
Investigation, Coordination with Organization for Youth Service
Anyone who supports the object of IYCA-PERUVIAN YOUTH PARTY can become a member without regard to nationality, religion, principle. NOT FEE.


Name: Mr. Yuri Tyulin
Chairman of the Council
Tver Regional Union of Armed Forces Veterans
Address: Room 102, St. 33 Sovietskaya, Tver 170000, Russia
E-mail: tvetu!tversu.ru
Homepage: We are preparing our Homepage for Internet at present
Establishment of World Government. Besides the basic object of our organization is the Social and legal defence of retired officers and armed forces veterans due to the big reduction of Russian Army and Fleet. We also take part in discussing and solving Global Security Problems.
Our Regional Organization is formed by 30 town and district branches. Every branch in a town or a district of our Region takes a decision if they are paid-up members or not paid-up members. Now our Regional Union consists of 29 thousand veterans and retired officers and more than 40 thousand of their dependants. We have the Regional Council - 40 members, Presidium of the Council - 11. Rt. Colonel Tyulin Yuri is the Chairman of the Council. This is me.
Our major activities - Defence of the political, social, and legal rights of Armed Forces Veterans and retired officers. Political aims are Global Security, Disarmament and Peace in the World.
Our organization should like to appeal at the Hague Appeal our worry of the Global Problems of the World Security. The modern Problems in Russia and their influence on the Stability of the Whole World. We are ready to take part in the activity of the World Party. We have knowledge and experience enough. Many of us former military scientists of high qualification. The most difficult for us is the financial one because of the hard situation in Russian Economy.

Our Regional Armed Forces Veterans Union was established in 1992. We have Regional Rehabilitation Centre and the Centre of retired officers retraining.

This is our first information. Thank you again for your message. We highly respect the Country of the Up-rising Sun and your talented and hardworking People. We are ready to the Cooperation


Name: Dr. Timi Ecimovic
Head of Institute
SEM Institute for Climate Change
Address: Zadruzna 9, SI-1218 Komenda, Slovenia
E-mail: timi.ecimovic!siol.net
Nature, Space and Environment Protection Research and Applied Research
Full Time: 1- Head of Institute- Dr. Timi Ecimovic
Not Paid-Up: 423 (End 1998)
Nature, Space and Environment Protection Research and Applied Research
We are asking for sustainable future of our civilization in third millennium.


Name: Rev. Dr. Reward D.M. Simbeye
National Chancellor
International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP).
Address: PO Box 3576, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Fax: 255-51-180179
The IAEWP is an NGO International Peace Organization. It exists to serve the cause of peace by the promoting Human Rights, complete Disarmament, Non-violent.
Full Time: 3
Part Time: 2
Volunteer: 3
Paid-Up: 3,000
Dialogue, peace education, finding missions in the country where abuses take place, etc.
The job of the peacemaker is to stop war, to purify the World, to get it saved from poverty and riches to heal the sick, to comfort the sad to work up those who have note yet found PEACE.

1. Fees: Members shall pay annual affiliation fees, whose level are to be determined by the Council. And Fundraising shall be the responsibility of all members.

2. Income from its property, project benefits. Donors and well wishers, Funding Agencies, etc.


Name: Dr. Dominique Simfei Balouki
a) Republican Independent Parti (P.R.I)
b) International Association for Collective Promotion School (ASIEPC)
Address: PO Box. 10194, Lome, Togo
E-mail: dominique.balouki!ub.tg
Tel: 228 260963
a) To keep all democratic political parties one.
b) Educate the world people for the 3rd millennium.
a et b) staff and members are not paid.
a) The PRI is created in 1991. Now, we are 15.500 members in Togo it is a national party, we are in 32 prefectures. We organized many seminars and meetings every year.

b) The ASIEPC is created in 1995. Today we have our members in Europe, America and Africa. International meetings are held to inform our members on the possibilities of a global education.
a) We want to win. We want to be supported. We would like to be invited by sponsors.

b) Anyone can join us, without regard to religion, colour, principle or country. We are an N60 of global education for tomorrow. Supporting member = 500 dollars US.

Dear President Toshio Suzuki,

I would like to participate fully to the network for the establishment of the world government in order to express our ideas about that concept, but I don't have possibilities of travel sejourn. What I can do, is send encouragements to you.

United Kingdom

Name: Dr. James B. Thring
Planning for Peace
Address: 139 Vauxhall Street, London SE11 5LL, United Kingdom
Apply Planning + Forecasting Skills to Conflict Resolution at Early Stage
Part Time: 1
Not Paid-Up: ~20
- Letters of Warning to Government
- Preparation of Information for Legal Action against Injustices
- Planning Democratic Global Governing System
Planning for peace urges citizens to look at the forces behind war; the arms industry*7; the secret services; the energy industry; global media; banking + finance; even our own governments (as shown by the current criminal destruction of Iraq). Only then can peace be planned. Even then it will be difficult: A strong government is needed. But to avoid it being taken over by the Octopus*8 the people must claim authority. We can do this by voting on all conflict resolution plans using the Internet. But we need to fully inform ourselves of the issues, the vested interests, the rights and responsibilities, the agendas of the belligerents and their propaganda. It means taking a long term perspective: Setting out the options and the inevitable scenario and planning a peaceful resolution of conflicts. If we must have representatives in the meantime, they must be subject to rigorous checks of their honesty; love for humanity, insulation from bribery and corruption; independence from cartels and secret societies with self-interested objectives and a will to plan a better world for all, inclusive of other species and environment.

Name: Prof. Errol E. Harris
World Constitution and Parliament Association, British Branch
Address: High Wray House, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 OJQ, United Kingdom
Establishment of World Government by Ratification of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth
Full Time: 1
Paid-Up: Approx 10
Not Paid-Up: Approx 15
Writing, and propagating world Government
Ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth

United States of America

Name: Dr. Glen Martin
International Philosophers for Peace and the Prevention of Nuclear and Other Threats to Global Existence (IPPNO)
Address: 124 Clay St., Thomaston CT 06787 USA
Home Page: in process
To promote enduring world peace. Many members are also members of world federalist organizations.
Volunteer: All volunteer (President, Executive Director, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and International Advisory Board.)
Paid-Up: 300
Not Paid-Up: 200
International Conference, activist projects, news letter, publication, public resolutions + press releases.
International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO) is open to all concerned thinking people. We are committed to the elimination of militarism, environmental degradation, and unsustainable development in all their aspects. Dues are $30 for US, $10 per year for developing countries. We are a non-profit tax-deductible organizations by US law.


*7 The secret global dictatorship.

*8 The Octopus includes most global media and 'democratic' governments, the arms industry, banking fraternity, secret services and many multi-nationals.


1 World Government Institute

Headquarters and president have not been decided yet. Month and year are the date of registration. "(Not paid up)" at the last means that the organization has not paid member fee to the World Government Institute.


Dr. Roy E. Johnstone
Jamaican Branch of World Government Institute
c/o Caribbean Action Group
16 Birdsucker, Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica
Volunteer: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Mr. Toshio Suzuki
Japanese Branch of World Government Institute
1-158 Nakakanasugi, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Zip Code 270-0007, Japan
E-mail: toshio-suzuki!ma3.justnet.ne.jp
Homepage: http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/
Volunteer: 1
May 1997
(Not paid up)


Rev. Silvanus A.B. Malaho
Kenyan Branch of World Government Institute
c/o Kenya Volunteer Development Services
P.O. Box 310 Bungoma, Kenya
Volunteer: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Dr. Johnny Vasquez Vinces
Peruvian Branch World Government Institute
International Youth Civic Association
Peruvian Youth Party
Jr. Chongoyape No. 222, Lima 32, Peru
E-mail: jvasquez!unmsm.edu.pe
Homepage: Preparing
Volunteer: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Mr. Yuri Tyulin
Russian Branch World Government Institute
c/o Tver Regional Union of Armed Forces Veterans
Room 102, St. 33 Sovietskaya, Tver 170000, Russia
E-mail: tvetu!tversu.ru
Homepage: Preparing
Volunteer: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Rev. Dr. Reward D.M. Simbeye
Tanzanian Branch of World Government Institute
c/o International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)
PO Box 3576, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Volunteer: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Dr. Dominique Simfei Balouki
Togolese Branch of World Government Institute
Republican Independent Parti (P.R.I)
International Association for Collective Promotion School (ASIEPC)
PO Box 10194, Lome, Togo
E-mail: dominique.balouki!ub.tg
Tel: 228 260963
Volunteer: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)

2 World Party

Headquarters and president have not been decided yet. Month and year are the date of registration. "(Not paid up)" at the last means that the organization has not paid member fee to the World Party.


Dr. Roy E. Johnstone
Jamaican Branch of World Party
c/o Caribbean Action Group
16 Birdsucker, Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Toshio Suzuki
Japanese Branch of World Party
1-158 Nakakanasugi, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Zip Code 270-0007, Japan
E-mail: toshio-suzuki!ma3.justnet.ne.jp
Homepage: http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/wp.htm
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
February 1998
(Not paid up)


Rev. Silvanus A.B. Malaho
Kenyan Branch of World Party
c/o Kenya Volunteer Development Services
P.O. Box 310 Bungoma, Kenya
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Dr. Johnny Vasquez Vinces
Peruvian Branch of World Party
International Youth Civic Association
Peruvian Youth Party
Jr. Chongoyape No. 222, Lima 32, Peru
E-mail: jvasquez!unmsm.edu.pe
Homepage: Preparing
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Mr. Yuri Tyulin
Russian Branch of World Party
c/o Tver Regional Union of Armed Forces Veterans
Room 102, St. 33 Sovietskaya, Tver 170000, Russia
E-mail: tvetu!tversu.ru
Homepage: Preparing
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Rev. Dr. Reward D.M. Simbeye
Tanzanian Branch of World Party
c/o International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)
PO Box 3576, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Dr. Dominique Simfei Balouki
Togolese Branch of World Party
Republican Independent Parti (P.R.I)
International Association for Collective Promotion School (ASIEPC)
PO Box 10194, Lome, Togo
E-mail: dominique.balouki!ub.tg
Tel: 228 260963
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
April 1999
(Not paid up)

3 World Citizen Party Network

Headquarters and president have not been decided yet. Month and year are the date of registration. "(Not paid up)" at the last means that the organization has not paid member fee to the Network.


Dr. Roy E. Johnstone
Caribbean Action Group
16 Birdsucker, Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica
Member: 80 (Not paid up) There is a connection with the 14 Caribbean countries and territories.
March 1999
(Not paid up)


Toshio Suzuki
Japanese Branch of World Party
1-158 Nakakanasugi, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Zip Code 270-0007, Japan
E-mail: toshio-suzuki!ma3.justnet.ne.jp
Homepage: http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/wp.htm
Volunteer: 1
Not Paid Up: 1
October 1998
(Not paid up)


Rev. Silvanus A.B. Malaho
Executive Director
Kenya Volunteer Development Services
P.O. Box 310 Bungoma, Kenya
Full Time: 12
Part Time: 36
Volunteer: 126
Paid Up: 48 (They receive allowances.)
Not Paid Up: 280
February 1999
(Not paid up)


Dr. Johnny Vasquez Vinces
International Youth Civic Association
Peruvian Youth Party
Jr. Chongoyape No. 222, Lima 32, Peru
E-mail: jvasquez!unmsm.edu.pe
Homepage: Preparing
Full Time: 5
Part Time: 20
Volunteer: 100
Not Paid Up: 3,000
April 1999
(Not paid up)


Mr. Yuri Tyulin
Chairman of the Council
Tver Regional Union of Armed Forces Veterans
Room 102, St. 33 Sovietskaya, Tver 170000, Russia
E-mail: tvetu!tversu.ru
Homepage: Preparing
Regional Organization is formed by 30 town and district branches. Regional Union consists of 29 thousand veterans and retired officers and more than 40 thousand of their dependants. They have the Regiona Council - 40 members, Presidium of the Council - 11.
March 1999
(Not paid up)


Hans Starlife
Starlife Global & Cosmic Services
Box 23027, SE-200 45 Malmoe, Sweden
E-mail: starlife!starlife.org
Homepage: http://www.starlife.org/
October 1998
(Not paid up)


Rev. Dr. Reward D.M. Simbeye
International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)
PO Box 3576, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Full Time: 3
Part Time: 2
Volunteer: 3
Paid Up: 3,000
March 1999
(Not paid up)


Dr. Dominique Simfei Balouki
Republican Independent Parti (P.R.I)
International Association for Collective Promotion School (ASIEPC)
PO Box 10194, Lome, Togo
E-mail: dominique.balouki!ub.tg
Tel: 228 260963
Not Paid Up: 15,500
March 1999
(Not paid up)

4 World Federalist Movement

International Secretariat
777 UN Plaza 12th Floor, New York NY 10017, USA
tel: 212-599 1320
fax: 212-599-1332
email: wfm!igc.org


Asian Youth Centre
12, III Cross, 2nd Main Road
Seethamal Colony Ext., Teynampet INDIA

World Federalists of Australia
G.P.O. Box 4878
Sydney, NSW 2001 Australia

WFM Bangladesh
13-A/1-A Babar Road, Block B
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh

Bashkortostan Federalists Association
12, K Marx St., Ufa, Bashkortostan
Bashkortostan Russian Federation

WFM Belgium Section
50 Corniche Verte
B-1150 Brussels 15 Belgium

World Federalists of Canada
145 Spruce Street, Suite 207
Ottawa, ONT K1P 6P1 Canada
e-mail: wfcnat!web.net

FN-Forbundet/Danish UNA
Midtermolen 3
DK-2100 Copenhagen O Denmark
e-mail: fnforbundet!una.dk

Fundacion Federalista
Arzobispo Merino 261 (altos)
Ciudad Colonial
Santa Domingo Dominican Republic
e-mail: ffed!codemail.attmail.com

JEF - Young European Federalists
Place du Luxembourg plein 1
B-1040 Brussels Belgium
e-mail: jef.europe!infoboard.be

Les Federalistes Mondiaux de France
142 Avenue de Versailles
F-75016 Paris France

Weltfoderalisten Deutschland
PO Box 800 745
D-70507 Stuttgart
85276 Pfaffenhofen, Germany
e-mail: info!wfm-germany.de
web: http://www.wfm-germany.de

Indian NO of World Federalists
115 Park Street
Calcutta - 700 016 India

Movimento Federalista Europeo
Via Porta Pertusi, 6
I-27100 Pavia Italy

Sekai Rempo Kensetsu Domei
Dai-ichi Fujikawa Bldg. 3F
23 Yotsuya 4-chome, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 160 Japan

Korean League of World Federalists
P.O. Box Central 252
Seoul 100 Korea

World Federalist National Association of Nepal
Baluwatar-4, P.O. Box 306
Kathmandu Nepal

Wereld Federalisten Beweging Nederland
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indie 252
2593 CD Den Haag, The Netherlands
e-mail: wfbn!antenna.nl

En Verden
Eilert Sundtsgt 32
0259 Oslo , Norway

South Asian Federalists
Z-1208, VI Avenue, Anna Nagar West
Chennai- 600 040, India

Sveriges Varldsfederalister
P.O. Box 224
S-10124 Stockholm, Sweden

Ver. der Weltfoderalisten der Schweiz
CH-3000 Bern 8, Switzerland

Association of World Federalists
PO Box 3410
Colchester CO7 6QX, United Kingdom

World Federalist Association
418 7th Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003 , United States
e-mail: wfa!igc.org
web: http://www.wfa.org


Association to Unite the Democracies
1506 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003 , USA

Campaign for UN Reform
420 7th Street SE #C
Washington, DC 20003, USA
e-mail: cunr!aol.com

Federation of Christian Churches in Pakistan
P.O. Box No. 819
G.P.O. Lahore, Pakistan

1150 Woods Road
Southampton, PA 18966, USA

Indian Inst. for Non-Aligned Studies
A-2/59, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi - 110029 India

One World Trust
7 Millbank
London, SW1P 2JA, United Kingdom
e-mail: owt!pgwg.co.uk

UN Voluntary Correspondent Speakers Unit
215-Satluj Block
Allama Iqbal Town
Lahore 54570 Pakistan

World Federal Authority Committee
Ingolfs Allee 24 B
2300 Copenhagen S Denmark


WFM Asian Centre
21-8 Nishi 3-chome, San-gen-ya
Osaka 551 Japan


Japanese Parliamentary Group for World Federal Government
c/o Sangiin Bekkan, 7-1, Nagata-cho 1 chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Japan

Member list of World Federalist Movement was cited from

5 World Constitution and Parliament Association

Member List of World Coordinating Council of the Global Ratification and Elections Network

Global Ratification and Elections Network (GREN) is promoted by World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)

Ms. Margaret A. Isely
Vitamin Cottage; Treas. WCPA
8800 West 14th Ave.
Lakewood, Colorado 80215 USA
E-mail: Wcpagren!aol.com
Homepage: http://www.wcpagren.org/
Phone 303-233-3548
Fax 303-237-7685


Mr. Sarwar Alam
Secretry General
Youth Action for Social Advancement
PO Box 5109, Dhaka 1205

Mr. Dulal Biswas
Secretary General
Nat. Federation of Youth Organizations
2/7, Sir Syed Rd.., Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207

Mr. Mujiur Rahman
The Good Morning (daily)
44/A Sonargaon Rd, Dhaka 1205


Prof. Dr. Francis Dessart
Council for Human Rights & Religious Freedom
6 Rue Moncrabeau, Namur B.5000


Mr. Mauricio Andres Ribeiro
Vice President
City of Peace Foundation
Rua Cabrelia, 116 Serra, Belo Horzonte, M.G 30240-080


Dr. Marin R. Mehandjiev
Secretary General
Balkan Ecological Union
PO Box 11, Sofia 1231

Burkina Faso

Mr. Ouedraogo Abdou
Association Nationale d'Action Rurale
B.P. 2314 Ouagadougou


Mr. Roger Charles Nykoyok
Projects Director
Youths Without Frontiers
PO Box 6912, New Bell Douala


Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer
International University "Nicola Doubrowa"
Casilla 181, La Reina, Santiago


Prof. Cheng Fuhu Zhang Fan
Executive Chairman
Chinese Earth Action Network
Rm 1402. Bldg 9. FuHong Li, Wan-Qiun He, Hai Dian. Beijing 10080

Comoros Islands

Mr. Akbar Ali Saleh
National Union of Youth & Students
Box No. 15, Moroni


Mr. J. Clautaire-Frerreys Pouele
Project Earth Action-Congo
B.P. 1967 Brazzaville

Rev. Joseph Milamba Kasongo
Corps Volontaire Zairois au Developpement
7 rue Meteo, Quartier Kimpe, Zona Ngaliema, Kinshasa 3410

Mr. Faustin Sheta Mikayele
CMHD, Club des Mondialstes pour Humanisme et Development
109 Lukuila, Lemba, Kinshasa

Cote d'Ivoire

Rev. Daniel O. Peprah
Cote d'Ivoire Branch WCPA/GREN
B.P. 1661. San Pedro


Mr. Ivan Lambasa
Secretary General
Green Action Sibenik
Ivana Mestrovica 36, Sibenik 22000

England (United Kingdom)

Prof. Errol E. Harris
"One World or None"
High Wray House, Ambleside. Cumbria LA22OJQ

Dr. James B. Thring
Planning for Peace
139 Vauxhall St. London SE115LL


Dr. Berhe-Tesfu Constantinos
Centre for Human Environment
PO Box 13309, Addis-Ababa 8632


Prof. Aime Blanc
Fondation Universelle des Droits des Peuples
Rue Armand Dutriex 133, Limoges 87000

Dr. Rondy Daniel
Institut d'Affaires Internationales
9 Place de la Peupleraie Boissy-St-Lerger 94470


Mr. Pastor Joseph B. Armah
Admin. Secretary
Ghana Branch WCPA
PO Box K-359, Accra New Town

Mr. S.S. Baffour-Anuah
National Secretary
African Youth Command
PO Box 46. State House, Accra

Mr. Akpalou Kossi Wowogno
House of Hope
PO Box 0672-OSU, Accra


Mr. Alapha Cisse
National Development Association
c/o Kemoh Sylla, PO Box 603, Conakry

Mr. Abdoulaye Sadio Diallo
Executive Secretary
Volontaires Guineens pour l'Environnement
B.P. 1861. Conakry


Mr. Ashis Kumar De
Youth for Development & Cooperation
B-139 Bangur Av. Calcutta, 700055

Dr. Douji Gupta
Soc. Research & Environment Protection
PO Box 288, Lucknow

Dr. Rashmi Mayur
Global Futures Network
73A Mittal Tower, Nariman Point, Bombay, 400021


Mr. Shebib L. Al Maliki
Secretary General
Union of Arab Jurists
PO Box 6026, Mansour, Baghdad


Dr. Roy E. Johnstone
Caribbean Action Group
16 Birdsucker Dr, Kingston 8


Rev. Silvanus A.B. Malaho
Executive Director
Kenya Volunteer Development Services
PO Box 310, Bungoma

Kosovo (Yugoslavia)

Mr. Edita Tahiri
Foreign Affairs Secretary
Democratic League of Kosovo
rr Beogradi PN, Prishtina 38000


Ms. Rahat Achylova
Member Parliament
Independent Research Centre
Women in Development
#53 Moskovskaya St., Bishkek 720040


Mr. Edwin G.K. Zoedua
Executive Director
Liberian Social Justice Foundation
(Address in USA) PO Box 31438, Cincinnati, OH 45231 USA


Mr. Romaldos Ruzgus
Movement of United World State
V. Kreves Prospek. 9-1, Kaunas 3042


Mr. Fatounata Sire Diakite
Association pour Progres et Defense
Droits de Femmes, B.P. 1760, Bamako


Dr. Lohmus Ramsurn
Secretary General
National Union of Progressive Youth
Royal Rd., Montagne Blanche


Mr. Ing. Reinhart Ruge
World Constitution & Parliament Assn.
Apdo 607, Cuernavaca, Morelos


Mr. Mohamed Rachid
Secretary General
Jeunesse Populaire
66 rue Patrice Lumumba, Rabat


Mr. Madan Bahadur Pradhan
Vice President
World Constitution & Parliament Assn.
GA 2/576, Kalamadi, Kathmandu

Ravi Charan Shrestha
Nepal Branch WCPA
GPO 3783, Kathmandu 5

Mr. Manju Ratna Sakya
Nepal Journalists Association
PO Box 285, Matighar, Kathmandu


Mr. Peter Davidse
Executive Director
World Federalist Movement - Netherlands
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indie 252, 2593 CD, Den Haag


Mr. Chief Ken Achufuna
Executive Director
Better Law Forum International
PO Box 4541 MM International Airport Bldg, Ikeja, Lagos

Mr. Bernardshaw S.O. Mazi
Nigerian Branch WCPA & GREN
PO Box 555, Festac Town, Lagos

Mr. Chief Akanbi Sanni
Secretary General
Pan Akanbi Prace Congress
PO Box 5325, Lagos


Mr. Kabir Ahmed Shahzada
Shahzada Foundation
PO Box 1549, Lahore


Mr. Hanan A. Awwad
Women's International League Peace & Freedom
(Address in Israel) Wadi-Juz, Al-Khaldi St, No. 4; Jerusalem


Mr. Onel Arias Masardule
Executive Director
Association Napguana; via Espapno
Edif Domino, Of. 31; Panama City 536


Dr. Johnny Vasquez Vinces
International Youth Civic Association
Jr. Chongoyape No. 222, Lima 32


Mr. Eleuteria K. Layog
Executive Director
Society for Human & Ecological Security
14 Bukaneg St. Baguio City 2600

Mr. Jaimes B. Ramirez
D.Sc., Ph.D., President
Democratic Press Association of the Philippines & 2 other organizations; 1237 Instruccion St.;
PO Box 1703, Sampaloc, Manila


Mr. Cristian Cracium
Free Youth Association
No. 4-6 Dem I. Dobrescu St. Sector 1, Bucharest 70119


Mr. Yuri Tyulin
Tver Reg. Union Armed Forces Veterans
Sovietskaya St 33, Tver 170000


Mr. Souleymane Diop
United Nations of Youth
PO Box 3588, Dakar

Sierra Leone

Mr. Kenday Samuel Kamara
Sierra Leone WCPA and GREN
Only One Earth
Dr., Strategy Hills, Leicester Rd; PO Box 1290, Freetown


Dr. Timi Ecimovic
Institute for Climate Change
Zadruzna 9, Komenda 1218

Sri Lanka

Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe
English Speaking Union; Co-Pres. WCPA
235 Galle Rd, Colombo 3


Dr. Adil A.M. Hamid
Arab Society for Humanitarian Aid and Development
PO Box 395, Khartoum


Rev. Dr. Reward D.M. Simbeye
International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)
PO Box 3576, Dar Es Salaam

The Gambia

Mr. Peter Ogbebor
Public Relations
International Society for Human Rights
PO Box 165, Banjul

Mr. Pa Sanyang
Children's Alliance for the Protection of the Environment
PO Box 25, Banjul


Dr. Dominique Balouki
Republican Independent Parti (P.R.I)
International Association for Collective Promotion School (ASIEPC)
PO Box 10194, Lome


Dr. Mrs. Douja Turki
Faculte des Sciences Humaines et Sociales
94. Blvd du 9 Avril 1938, Tunis 1007

United States of America

Mr. Henry Philip Isely
Secretary General
World Constitution and Parliament Association
1480 Hoyt St. #31, Lakewood, Co 80215

Dr. Glen Martin
International Philosophers for Peace and the Prevention of Nuclear and Other Threats to Global Existence (IPPNO)
124 Clay St., Thomaston CT 06787


Mr. Marat T. Zakhidov
Committee for the Protection of Individual Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan
pr. Rashidov 40-141, Tashkent 700029


Prof. Jose Moya
Relaciones Institucionales of FORJA
Paraguachi 17, AP. 207, UD3, Parroquia Caricuao, Caracas


Mr. Costa Siziba
International Coordinator
Organization for Peace and Disarmament in Southern Africa
PO Box MG21, Megwegwe, Bulawayo


Mr. Yogi Shanti Swaroop
Raghavendra World Religions Parliament
5 Sangampuri, Saptasarovar, Haridwar, UP. 249410, India

The above member list was cited from the member list of "World Coordination Council of the Global Ratification and Elections Network (GREN)" of WCPA

6 Millennium People's Assembly Network

Major contacts for further information are:

Sue Zipp - Correspondence Coordinator; P.O. Box 958, Mendocino, CA 95460-0958; suezipp!mcn.org.

Rob Wheeler - MPAN Coordinator; 1-717-264-5036 or 1-717-264-0957; robineagle!hotmail.com.

Alanna Hartzok - People?s Agenda Coordinator; 1-717-264-0957; earthrts!pa.net.

Dr. Rashmi Mayur - MPAN Office for the South (India and Asia); 91-22-204-5758 or Fax: 91-22-287-1250; iisfb!giasbm01.vsnl.net.in.

Jerry Spivack - Outreach and Communications, 212-505-1804; jspvk!aol.com

The member list above was cited from

7 World Government Related Web Sites

"Coalition for an International Criminal Court"
Progress of International Criminal Court is written.

"FORUM 21"
There are forums "Free Theme," "Domestic Politics and Economy," and "International Politics and Economy."

"JEF on Internet"
Young European Federalists.

"Peace Page"
There are many links to world government related sites.

"Political Resources on the Net"
List of links to the politics related sites in the world.

Web Master (Mr. Hans Starlife) is the proposer of World Citizen Party Network.

"The Grassroots World Government WWW Site"
There are a library, papers, a discussion list, links to other related sites, etc.

"The People's Millennium Assembly Network"
Network responding to the call by U. N. Secretary - General Kofi Annan to convene a "People's Millennium Assembly"

"United Nations Home Page"
Information from United Nations

World Federalist Association. USA chapter of WFM, World Federalist Movement

"World Citizen Party Network"
Network to establish the world government

"World Constitution and Parliament Association"
There is a constitution waiting for ratification.

"World Federalist Association of Sweden"
Swedish Chapter of WFM, World Federalist Movement

"World Federalist Movement"
Official Site of WFM, World Federalist Movement

"World Federalist Movement Germany"
German Chapter of WFM, World Federalist Movement

"World Federalists of Canada Homepage"
Canadian chapter of WFM, World Federalist Movement

"World Government Awareness Campaign - Homepage"
Comprehensive campaign of world government movement

"World Government Institute"
Institute to establish the world government

"World Integration and Improvement Initiative"
Home page of activist of India. He is conducting Registry of World Citizens. Everyone can get registered to it with out fee.

"World Party"
International party to establish the world government


Voice for World Government - 1999 is the first edition. The idea of this journal came out in March this year. So author did not have enough time to write it. Author has a plan to revise this journal periodically and send it to the world government related organizations in the world. Here, author requests a donation for the cost of this project. Please send donation to the bank account below.

Bank (Japan): Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank
Branch Number: 339
Account Number (Ordinary Account): 1752744
Account Title: Sekai Seifu Kenkyujo Toshio Suzuki
(Sekai Seifu Kenkyujo means "World Government Institute" and Toshio Suzuki is author's name)

Japanese Branch of World Government Institute invites volunteer staffs and contribution of articles to be published. The articles will be published in the later editions.

Japanese Branch of World Party has a plan to send candidates to the election of National Diet of Japan. So it is raising the fund for that. Japanese Branch of World Party also requests donation for that. Please send fund to the bank account below.

Bank (Japan): Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank
Branch Number: 339
Account Number (Ordinary Account): 1752752
Account Title: Sekaito Toshio Suzuki
(Sekaito means "World Party" and Toshio Suzuki is author's name)

After raising fund for election, Japanese Branch will send the candidates to election. Revenue and expenditure will be reported on the homepage and in this journal. The name of donators will be published as far as the donators do not refuse it. Also Japanese Branch of World Party is inviting party members and volunteer staffs.

World Citizen Party Network is also inviting people to join us. International cooperation is the source of power of World Party and World Citizen Party Network.


Malthus, T.R. An Essay on the Principle of Population. 1798.

Marx, K.H. Das Kapital. 1867-94.

Suzuki, Toshio. "International Party for the World Government." http://www3.justnet.ne.jp/~toshio-suzuki/wg.htm. 1997.